What is Azure CLI?
It is a tool that can operate Azure that can be used cross-platform such as Windows, MacOS, Linux from the command line. We can download from the following page:
After installation we can login to azure:
Azure login process:
- Type
az login
, when you log in, information such as your subscription ID will be displayed.
⚠️ If in your environment with a proxy server, please set the proxy in the environment variable if necessary.
Application Gateway v2
Application Gateway v2 allows for automatic scale-out, which allows you to scale out with the Azure CLI if the setting is set to manual scale-out.
- Check the current number of instances
az network application-gateway show -g westeu-test-rg -n appgwv2test --query "sku"
- Manually scale out Application Gateway v2 to two instances. Specify the number of instances you want to run with
. Application Gateway can obtain 99.95% SLA with 2 or more instances for both v1 and v2.
More info:
az network application-gateway update -g westeu-test-rg -n appgwv2test --set sku.capacity=2
Application Gateway v1
- Check the current number of instances and tier
az network application-gateway show -g westeu-test-rg -n appgwv1test --query "sku"
- Scale up Application Gateway v1 from small to medium tier. We have several variants to choose:
. Applying the configuration usually takes 15 minutes, it obviously depends on the region in which Application Gateway is implemented.
az network application-gateway update -g westeu-test-rg -n appgwv1test --sku Standard_Medium