Member-only story
Create Azure Kubernetes Service on an existing virtual network. At the same time, we will build an environment that connects to Azure SQL Database via the service endpoint.
Resources that are completed in this procedure
Environmental construction
Start PowerShell
- Run Azure CLI with PowerShell. For Linux, please replace as appropriate.
Azure login
az login
Environment variable setting
$RG = "[Resource Group Name]"
Resource group creation
az group create -l westus -n $RG
vNet creation
az network vnet create -g $RG -n [vNet Name] --address-prefix --subnet-name [Subnet Name] --subnet-prefix
Create vNet Service Endpoint
az network vnet subnet update -g $RG --vnet-name [vNet Name] -n [Subnet Name] --service-endpoints Microsoft.Sql
ACR creation
az acr create -n [ACR Name] -g $RG --sku Basic