General info:
The test is sponsored by CloudBees, which provides Jenkins for Enterprise, and has the following two categories.
- Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE)
- Certified CloudBees Jenkins Engineer (CCJE)
The CCJE exam also requires knowledge of the Enterprise version. The following is all about the CJE exam.
- Test time: 90 minutes
- Question: 60-question selection format (multiple choices available)
- Examination fee: 150 USD
- Pass criteria: 66%
- Question area:
See the Certification Guide and Information for exam details and examples . You will need to register an account with CloudBees to view the guide, but we strongly recommend that you register because you can use free learning materials.
Learning method
1. Read Jenkins Handbook
2. Play with Jenkins
Setup environment with Vagrant and play with:
- Freestyle job
- Pipelines
3. Take CloudBees University
Officially recommended teaching material. You need to register for an account with CloudBees, but you should definitely take it in order to pass the exam . That is the official recommendation.