Check The Difference Between Files Encrypted With Ansible-Vault With Git Diff.

1 min readSep 21, 2020


git diffwill explain how to make the difference of the encrypted file in ansible-vault visible in.

Allows you to view vault files without a password

Create file ./ansible.cfgin the project home directory.

# Specify the path of the file that stores the ansible-vault password
vault_password_file = ./.vault_password

Create a file to store the password (here .vault_password)


Add the password file to to prevent accidental commits to the repository in .gitignore


Set the text converter for vault files to ansible-vault

  • .git/configOr ~/.gitconfigadd the following description.
[diff "ansible-vault"]
textconv = ansible-vault view
cachetextconv = true
  • Specify the path of the vault file
# *-vault.yml * .vault.yml can also be specified with wildcard
sample.vault.yml diff = ansible-vault merge = binary

Check file differences

Now, git diffin you will be able to see the differences of the vault file.

$ git diff
diff --git i/sample.vault.yml w/sample.vault.yml
index 0a181e0..658372b 100644
--- i/sample.vault.yml
+++ w/sample.vault.yml
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-test = test
+test = testtest


Diffs in encrypted files are now visible in ansible-vault, making it easier to inadvertently notice mistakes.


  • Ansible.cfg specification
  • .gitattributes, .gitconfig specifications




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