I made a simple note about the initial settings of the Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi 3 B
Download OS image
Write to SD card (MacOSX / Ubuntu)
- This time use the dd command
Mac OSx
After inserting the SD card,
diskutil list
Confirm the SD card path with. This time, /dev/disk-hoge
write an article as.
Next, unmount the SD card.
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk-hoge
Finally, burn to SD card using dd command
sudo dd if=raspbian.img (image file path) of=/dev/rdisk-hoge (SD card path) bs=16m (write block size)
The optimum block size depends on the environment.
df -h
Check the SD card path around the command. This time, /dev/mmcblk0
write an article as. Next, unmount the SD card.
umount /dev/mmcblk0
Finally, burn to SD card using dd command
sudo dd if=raspbian.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=16m
You can also display the progress bar of the dd command.
Wi-Fi connection for Raspberry Pi (headless installation)
Connect to Wi-Fi from the beginning, and prepare for ssh connection and setting.
Open the SD card boot directory in terminal etc.,
touch ssh
Create and enable ssh. Next, set the Wi-Fi access point. It is OK if you write the setting in wpa_supplicant.conf
under the boot directory.
scan_ssid=1 # For stealth AP
psk="encryption key"
Launch Raspberry Pi
Connect the edited SD card to the Raspberry Pi and start it. The initial state is
- user name: pi
- host name: raspberrypi
- password: raspberry
When connecting locally,
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
You can connect with. After that, feel free to build your own environment.
sudo raspi-config
Initial settings (change of host name and password) are possible with.