In this post I summarizes the settings when using Client and multiple Servers using multiple VMs of JMeter. In this example we will using Docker and JMETER image
- Vagrant + Ubuntu 18.04
- Docker
- Jmeter Client & Jmeter Server
Example of Vagrantfile:
Let’s start
Run two JMETER Server
root@vagrant:/vagrant/scripts# sudo docker run -dit --name server01 spy86/jmeter-server:latest /bin/bash
Unable to find image 'spy86/jmeter-server:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from spy86/jmeter-server
f7ec5a41d630: Pull complete
faf4c47c8c61: Pull complete
636165fc8c70: Pull complete
61c982bd9fd5: Pull complete
fe9c632a6e6b: Pull complete
03234c53afe4: Pull complete
44a960d45d1d: Pull…