Memo About Message Header in POSTFIX

2 min readAug 30, 2021
Photo by Liam Truong on Unsplash

Message summary

E-mail messages consist of two parts:

  • Message header
  • Message body
  • The fields of the message header are RFC2822 specified in this LINK
  • Minimum header field required Date: and From: only.
  • A blank line separates the message header from the message body.

Header field’s


  • Represents the time when message transmission started.
  • Required field.

From: / Sender: / Reply-To:

  • From: Sender: Represents the author of the message and S represents the sender of the message.
  • From: Is a required field.
  • Sender: Fields should not be used if the author and sender of the message are the same .

In the case where these fields are used properly RFC2822, the example in which the creator of the message delegates the transmission to the secretary is given.

  • Reply-To: Is what the author of the message suggests as a reply destination.

To: / Cc: / Bcc:

Familiar, that specified in the mail client.

  • Bcc: For messages where fields are defined RFC2822, specifies one of the following implementations:
  • Bcc: Remove the field To:/Cc:/Bcc: in sending the same message to all specified destinations.
  • To: The same message with the field deleted is sent to Cc: the destination specified by and Bcc: . Bcc: If there are three recipients, A, B, and C, Bcc: B and C are removed from the fields of the message sent to A.
  • Bcc: Send as a message with an empty field with no defined value .

By the way, To: it seems that it is not an essential field. It’s not intuitive because most email clients can’t send unless you specify this.


  • Familiar, that is displayed as “subject” in the mail client. RFC2822Then, in the same section Comments: / Keywords: is specified , but it seems that it is not used much, so I skipped it.

Return-Path: / Received:

As for these fields, “ RFC2821Look”, so take a look at on THIS link. However, I gave up this time because it seemed that I could not understand it without studying mail relay.





DevOps Consultant. I’m strongly focused on automation, security, and reliability.