The official Azure Container Instances (ACI) documentation provides a three-part tutorial that starts on the following pages and is a great place to start if you want to try it out.
However, to follow along with this tutorial, you need a local environment that includes the Azure CLI and Docker engine, as noted in the notes.
Azure Cloud Shell does not include the Docker daemon, so you must install both the Azure CLI and the Docker engine yourself on your local computer to complete this tutorial. You can’t use the Azure Cloud Shell with this tutorial.
In this article, based on the above official tutorial, I will show you how to set up a sample application on ACI only in Azure environment without preparing local environment.
Clone application code
Launch Azure Cloud Shell. Once the console is up, get the sample application with the Git command from the official tutorial.
git clone
After this, the docker build
command continues in the official tutorial, but Azure Cloud Shell does not include the Docker daemon and when I run it I get an error. Therefore, proceed to the next step here.
Prepare ACR (Azure Container Registry)
Get an Azure Container Registry (ACR) ready but first, create a resource group and ACR.
az group create --name test-weu-rg --location westeurope
az acr create --resource-group test-weu-rg --name acr4test--sku Basic
Official tutorial Step 2 creates a local image and pushes it to ACR.
However, you can’t create an image with Azure Cloud Shell. Therefore, we will utilize the ACR task, which is a function of ACR.
Build and push image with ACR task
In short a , the ACR task is a container image build service on the cloud. This feature allows you to build images that you couldn’t do with Azure Cloud Shell.
More details regarding ACR task we can find in documentation
Ok so now let’s build and push the image with the ACR task with the following commands:
az acr build --image sample-aci-image:latest \
--registry acr4test \
--file ./aci-helloworld/Dockerfile ./aci-helloworld
Check the ACR image list and sample-aci-image:latest
for make sure that exists, for do this run command
az acr repository list --name acr4test --output table
We can also check tags
az acr repository show-tags --name acr4test --repository sample-aci-image:latest --output table
Create a service principal
Next, we will create the service principal which is required for ACI to pull the image stored in ACR. Creating a service principal is introduced on the following pages.
For this we can use script from the documentation above. Create new file called
and paste the script inside
SP_PASSWD=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --scopes $ACR_REGISTRY_ID --role acrpull --query password --output tsv)
SP_APP_ID=$(az ad sp show --id http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --query appId --output tsv)
echo "Service principal ID: $SP_APP_ID"
echo "Service principal password: $SP_PASSWD"
Go back to the Azure Cloud Shell and run the script with the following command.
chmod 744
When you run the script then in output as a result you should se:
- Service principal ID
- Service principal password
Make a note of these values as they will be used in the next step.
Deploy container with ACI
The rest is step 3 of the official tutorial.
Gets the ACR login server name.
az acr show --name acr4test --query loginServer
Finally deployment
az container create --resource-group test-weu-rg \
--name sample-aci-image \
--image <acrServer>/sample-aci-image:latest \
--cpu 1 --memory 1 \
--registry-login-server <acrServer> \
--registry-username <service-principal-ID> \
--registry-password <service-principal-password> \
--dns-name-label <DnsName> --ports 80
this is the login server name you obtained from the command above<service-principal-ID>
this is the value you wrote down in the previous step.<DnsName>
this is an arbitrary DNS name which must be unique.
If you want to to check the progress of the deployment, use the following command.
az container show --resource-group test-weu-rg --name sample-aci-image --query instanceView.state
If the output is output Running
, then the deployment is complete and now we can check the FQDN with the following command:
az container show --resource-group test-weu-rg --name sample-aci-image --query ipAddress.fqdn
You can also output the log by returning to Azure Cloud Shell and executing the following command.
az container logs --resource-group test-weu-rg --name sample-aci-image
If you are done testing the azure container registry and are no longer using them don’t forget to delete the resource group at the end.
az group delete --name test-weu-rg